Day one
I don't know if you can tell, but my legs and ankles were swollen. It was painful to wear pants and to walk. But I roughed it out, but I did complain a little.
Day two
It's starting to get worse and more painful to walk. Stairs... Was a challenge, but my co-worker got a kick of of watching me tackle those.
Day three
I now have second degree burns. That yellow on my right leg are blisters not aloe. So I called and complained to my parents. I was told to keep it moist and elevated above my heart. Here is what the daughter of an engineer (me) came up with....
Needless to say I called out the next day. This went on for about two days more, well at least the having to elevate my legs part (sleeping was uncomfortable.) instill could not walk without pain. I wore skirts to work and then changed into my work pants for my shift only to change right back into my skirt as soon as possible. It was like that for a week and a half, until I started peeling.
My legs inched so bad and it would hurt to scratch because I was still sunburned. It took about 3 weeks for me to shave my legs again ( I was scared of my razor) and about 4 and a half weeks before I was fully back to normal.
So the moral of the story/lesson is hind sight is always best. But also to wear sunscreen even when you don't think you need it and everywhere no matter what.
One funny story from this experience was when I was walking down the hall with my co-worker and she was walking way faster then I was hobbling, and I called out to her that she didn't need to wait up that I was coming, slowing, but I was coming. Unbeknownst to me my boss was right behind me and asked if I needed a wheelchair. I said that would be great. But sadly I never saw that wheelchair. But funny all the same. :)